Sunday, November 2, 2014

     Another cool thing that happened on Oct. 30 was that I received a fun "care package"  from home.  My sister and my kids sent us a Halloween gift that included candy, popcorn and cider mix, hand-made decorations from the grandkids, skirts, a book, AND dental floss!  I can now floss to my heart's content for the next 10 months.  Ah, the simple pleasures of life!

These are the cute Halloween decorations that Kelton and Luke sent.  They are now taped to my wall in the living room:

Luke's drawing for Halloween

Yes, Luke, we are having fun in Africa!

Thanks for the haunted house, Kelton!

My living room wall.
     And then there was Halloween.  I thought we could dress up and go trick-or-treating to the Van Wagoner's, bringing them some of our Halloween treats.  Lacking much of anything here (including imagination), I thought Gary could go trick or treating as Sister Neeley, and I could go as Elder Neeley.  You know, Grumpy Gary and Smiling Susann.  So we got all dressed up.

     Unfortunately, The Van's were not at home at the time we expected them to be there, so we were all dressed up with nowhere to go.  So, we took photos, got un-dressed up, and went out to dinner with Norm Tree, a really nice guy who is here training the Burundian military.

     I saw several shots of people's yards for Halloween, so not to be out done, I have included shots of our yard for Halloween as well.

     The Halloween shots of our yard look surprisingly similar to the 4th of July shots, the Thanksgiving shots, the Christmas shots and the Valentine's Day shots.  Not a lot changes here around the equator---days and nights are about 12 hours all year round.  No changing leaves, no big changes in weather or temperature.  


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