Thursday, July 3, 2014

     Last week-end we went to a traditional drum performance at a beach with Aimable (the young man engaged to be married) and his fiancé, Freida.  Cool drums!  Cool dancing while drumming!  They use so much energy when they dance and/or drum.  the one guy would leap into the air and kick his legs so they went up above his head.  They asked us to come and drum with them.  We must have had "TOURIST" written on our foreheads because not only were we asked to participate with them, but we were asked to donate $20 for the free drum concert.  Oh, well.  It was fun, anyway!

At this same beach, they had a chimpanzee in a metal cage.  It made me sad to see him confined in such a small space, all alone with nothing to do.

There was also an even smaller cage with a baboon in it.  Inside the cage with the baboon was a tiny puppy which the baboon was grooming.  Hopefully it was put there as a companion and not as lunch!

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