Saturday, December 13, 2014

     We have a friend named Gian Franco who is an Italian who has lived in Burundi for 18 years.  His entire life has been spent in working with various aide organizations to help people.   By training he is an attorney, an attorney whose passion is cooking Italian food.  We have eaten at his restaurant often and have entertained groups there as well.  Recently he has moved his restaurant to his home.  He is married to a Burundian woman named Nicole, and they have 3 darling daughters.  He and his family have been to our house to watch "Frozen."  After seeing "Frozen", the girls asked to take the video home and watch it.  They took it home and watched it repeatedly, as little girls do.  Last Saturday when we went to dinner at Gian Franco's, we asked them if they knew the words to "Let it Go."  Did they ever!  The 3 of them stood up and sang the entire song, complete with actions!  It was so cute!!  Especially in French!

This same night Gian Franco asked if he could come to Church with us on Sunday.  He is Catholic (of course!) but he has some questions that he wonders about.  One of his questions has to do with revelation.  To him it makes no sense that God no longer speaks to his children here on the earth.  He was intrigued that we have a prophet who receives revelation.  We have talked with him a bit about the church, giving him a couple of pamphlets and the New Testament and Book of Mormon stories for children.  This night we also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and explained that it was a second witness of Jesus Christ and a record of a people that lived on the American continent anciently.

On Sunday he appeared at Church and stayed for the full 3 hours.  He agreed to meet with the missionaries and told us he had started to read The Book of Mormon.

During the week he met with the missionaries twice.  This morning (Saturday) he called us to say he needed to talk with us about some "very important things."  Don't know quite what to expect, but we are going to his house at 4:00 for dinner and a conversation.

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